
  • A piece of space - video installation (2024)

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    Fightself.anim - video installation (2023)

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    Telescape - VR installation (2023)

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    Aerophonic - VR instalallation (2022)

Who cares?

One of my main goals as an artist is to remind myself and others that; life is weird. My work aims to encourage people to embrace that weirdness, to encourage people to question their reality and observe their own experience of life more intimately. I use bizarre and sometimes challenging imagery/narrative to attempt to share my experience and research of life’s weirdness.

Core elements of this research include psychology, phenomenology, qualia, ai, neural networks and our relationship with current and emerging technologies. I use mainly with photography, video, 3D and VR to generate work but also like involving physical making where I can.

I hope people come away from what I make less frustrated by the mundane, more intrigued by the world and more informed around issues revolving around technology, consumerism and social media.